Categories: Paycomics

Business And Pleasure (TG AP Paycomic Preview)

Tim is stuck at his mom’s office after getting suspended for skipping too much class. His mom is already stressed from a busy workplace and simply being a single mom, but today is especially rough for her since her new boss is supposed to be arriving at the office. While waiting alone in his mom’s office, Tim suddenly undergoes a spontaneous transformation that changes both of their lives forever…

A brand new paycomic set at the intersection of business and pleasure! Enjoy 205 pages of sweat, curves, torn clothes, bare feet, and plenty of bodily fluids. This comic also contains the longest sex scene I’ve done so far! Change can be scary, but who wouldn’t want to be the smart, sexy, rich businesswoman in charge of a multimillion dollar company?




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Enthralled (Multi-Vampire TF TG AP AR PayComic Preview)

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