gender transformation

Dough Not Eat (TG AP WG Sequence)Dough Not Eat (TG AP WG Sequence)

Dough Not Eat (TG AP WG Sequence)

This is why you should always ask before eating food from somebody else's kitchen...especially during #marchneedsmoms Video version on my Twitter:… PDF…

2 years ago
Unlimited…Powder? (Powder/Jinx TG AP Comic)Unlimited…Powder? (Powder/Jinx TG AP Comic)

Unlimited…Powder? (Powder/Jinx TG AP Comic)

A little shorter than usual because I really just wanted to try some style experiments. Check out the video version…

2 years ago
A New Me? Anubis! (TF TG AP Comic)A New Me? Anubis! (TF TG AP Comic)

A New Me? Anubis! (TF TG AP Comic)

A boy sneaks away from his tour group to explore the Egyptian pyramids. He's always loved the culture, but he'll…

2 years ago
Blue Blood (TG AP Comic)Blue Blood (TG AP Comic)

Blue Blood (TG AP Comic)

Luke got arrested for the petty crime of stealing a candy bar. He's tired of the interrogation charade that these…

2 years ago
Equivalent Exchange (TG AP)Equivalent Exchange (TG AP)

Equivalent Exchange (TG AP)

Equivalent exchange is a core tenet of alchemy, and one that many novice users fail to prepare for. Such was…

2 years ago
A Twisted Toy Story (Doll TF TG Comic)A Twisted Toy Story (Doll TF TG Comic)

A Twisted Toy Story (Doll TF TG Comic)

The winner of my recent Twitter poll - MTF Doll Transformation with 40% of the votes! My first attempt at…

2 years ago
Blowing Smoke (TF TG Comic)Blowing Smoke (TF TG Comic)

Blowing Smoke (TF TG Comic)

Boy tries a cigarette for the first and last time. He may have sworn off from tobacco, but that doesn't…

2 years ago
Beached (Pregnant TG AP AR Comic)Beached (Pregnant TG AP AR Comic)

Beached (Pregnant TG AP AR Comic)

Two high schoolers visit a beach and make fun of a pregnant woman. Turns out this is the beach that…

2 years ago
The Black Boots (TG AP) – Paycomic PreviewThe Black Boots (TG AP) – Paycomic Preview

The Black Boots (TG AP) – Paycomic Preview

A naïve young boy buys a pair of cool looking boots after seeing an ad on TikTok, only to realize…

2 years ago
Just a Prank (TG AP Sequence)Just a Prank (TG AP Sequence)

Just a Prank (TG AP Sequence)

Two boys find a polymorph spell online and decide to use it to play a prank. They quickly learn why…

2 years ago