tg ar sequence

Trick or Treat (Multiple TG AP AR Paycomic Preview)

Two young men are walking around on Halloween night, reminiscing about being kids and getting buckets of candy for free.…

1 year ago

Playing House: Chapter 1 (Mother/Daughter TG AP AR Comic)

Chris and Steve are roaming around the neighborhood when they come across what they think is an abandoned house. After…

2 years ago
TGAgency: Contract 1 (TG AR Sequence)TGAgency: Contract 1 (TG AR Sequence)

TGAgency: Contract 1 (TG AR Sequence)

The TGA is an underground agency that specializes in giving people new perspectives in life, regardless of the willingness of…

2 years ago
Contorted (TG AR Sequence)Contorted (TG AR Sequence)

Contorted (TG AR Sequence)

A sequel to Clowning Around that was inspired by people asking what happened to the kids parents. Might turn this…

2 years ago
New YOUth (TG AR Sequence)New YOUth (TG AR Sequence)

New YOUth (TG AR Sequence)

Trying out some age regression again. Basically a remake of one of my old stories. Video on my Twitter

2 years ago