wolf tf

The Beast Plague (TF Sequence/Story)

Wanted to try a Bloodborne-ish transformation because I always wished they'd shown Vicar Amelia's transformation in more detail... PDF VersionDownload

9 months ago

Demon’s Deal: The Hellhound Heart (TF Sequence/Caption)

It would appear that there's a demonic boardgame going around that's tricking people into making deals with demons. I wonder…

12 months ago

Classically Cursed (Werewolf TF TG AP Sequence)

Just a little sequence to test out another model. Also haven't done a werewolf TF in a while, so I…

2 years ago
The Witch’s Bitch (TF TG AP Comic)The Witch’s Bitch (TF TG AP Comic)

The Witch’s Bitch (TF TG AP Comic)

Happy #WerewolfWednesday everyone! Here's a new one about a boy who makes fun of the wrong girl in school and…

2 years ago
Loonar New Year (TF TG AP Comic)Loonar New Year (TF TG AP Comic)

Loonar New Year (TF TG AP Comic)

A boy. A blood moon. A brand new hellhound. Another highly requested character! I really need to go back and…

2 years ago
Werewolf Within (TF TG Sequence)Werewolf Within (TF TG Sequence)

Werewolf Within (TF TG Sequence)

2nd pass at a werewolf sequence. Wanted it to feel more feral this time. Video on my Twitter werewolfwithinDownload

2 years ago