This client and subject submitted their request together, with the subject voluntarily submitting himself to the conversion process. The client requested our services to increase the subject’s ability to influence the client’s father and convince him to buy the latest game console for the two friends. Client was able to convince the subject to undergo the conversion, likely because they were childhood friends, but it is unclear just how much was disclosed to the subject regarding the physical and mental alterations that we would be making. We concluded that the best way to increase the subjects influence over the client’s father was to convert the subject into the client’s mother. The client’s original mother has been relocated and converted into [redacted] for a contract in progress. The subject displayed reluctance and regret during the conversion process, but now displays extreme levels of satisfaction with her new life. The subject’s DNA was re-sequenced to that of the client’s biological mother, and memories were synthesized for the subject alongside a subliminal desire to convince her husband to buy the specified game console for their son. The subject’s new happiness and physical satisfaction levels are some of the highest we’ve ever seen post-conversion. The client also requested a reversal of the conversion once he got the video game console he desired, but we had to inform him that the conversion process is irreversible.