Agent of Chaos (TG AR Comic)

Lilith is wasting no time using her powers to convert unwitting citizens into soldiers for her and Vyle’s army. Her first victim is actually quite close to her…or was, when she was just a little boy. When her former father comes into the warehouse to look for his son, he finds a lot more than he was expecting, but Lilith sees it as an opportunity to keep things in the family…

One Reply to “Agent of Chaos (TG AR Comic)”

  1. Question: what “engine” are you using atm to create your artworks??

    Personally my favourites are the “photorealistic” ones, and ones like this that I would class as “semi-real”, I guess, but I’m intrigued…

    I promise I will never be good enough at this to compete with you, and I wouldn’t steal your ideas, but I would love to know!

    Awesome, awesome stuff. Thanks.

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