Steven was dragged along to his cousin’s wedding by his parents. The boy hated weddings, hated ceremonies, and hated having to do boring things just because the adults made him. He sat in the church and listened to the wedding bells begin to ring, wishing that he could enjoy these events like the grown-ups. He didn’t really hang out with his cousin since he was so much older, and he’d never even seen his fiancé. He listened to the bells ring through the church and they began to sound like they were getting louder. He got up to get away from the noise and noticed that his rented tuxedo was beginning to come apart at the seams. Unfortunately for the young boy, those were just the beginnings of his impending metamorphosis.
Stacy tried to resist the urges and excitement coming from her new body. She tried to get the attention of anyone, but not even her former parents responded. She ran down the aisle towards her new husband, hoping to explain her transformation, but with every step, she felt her feminine new feelings growing stronger. The pleasure, the excitement, the love she felt now was overwhelming. All that hatred she felt towards weddings just moments ago felt so far away now. She couldn’t wait to be a wife. This truly was the best day of her life, and her husband was going to make sure it ended with the best night of her life, too. She was a wife now, but after tonight, she might even become a mother.

Could you post the panels as separate images instead of all in one? That would save the last panel from having to be compressed down way too small to fit in the frame. (Even the vertically-aligned panels are small as it is, let alone horizontal panels)
Probably one of your best ! Loving the fact we see the other male character ! Hoping for a pregnant sequel please! Maybe a familly picture at the very end ?